RTT Hypnotherapy

Positive Transformation: Rapid Change for the Mind

RTT Hypnotherapy or Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a fast, easy and safe solution to transform all areas of your life positively.

Using powerful, evidence-based techniques to give people the tools they need to make positive change, Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a personalised approach to help clients reframe any negative beliefs, habits, values and emotions – many of which they have carried with them from childhood. Often these have been so deeply buried in their subconscious that they are unaware of the past issues affecting them. By rapidly rewiring the brain’s neural pathways, RTT replaces any outdated belief systems and negative behaviour patterns with new life-affirming beliefs. The result is a more positive, confident, outlook on the future.

women with a rose quartz stone on her cheek

How does RTT Hypnotherapy Work?

Unlike other therapies which often only work on the symptoms, RTT gets to the underlying root cause quickly, so it can be resolved at its source. Using regression under hypnosis and other powerful techniques, we can go back to significant events in a non-threatening way and change the meaning that has been attached to these events. This leaves you feeling empowered, uplifted, and free from the control the issue once had over you.

At the end of the session, you will receive a personalised transformational recording to listen to for a minimum of 21 days which is designed to rewire the new beliefs and establish new positive neural pathways.
To find out more visit

What can RTT hypnotherapy give you?

Phenomenal confidence and self-esteem

A strong belief in yourself and your abilities

Clear, calm thoughts

Hope and optimism

Contentment and inner peace

RTT Hypnotherapy Pricing Guide

RTT Hypnotherapy package    |   $595

1x 45min initial consultation
1x RTT Hypnotherapy session for 90-120mins
1x personalised ‘mind rewiring’ recording
Email support for 30 days
Day 7 and day 21 check-in phone calls

Subsequent sessions (including all of the above)    |  $395

Free yourself from these conditions with RTT Hypnotherapy

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View Conditions

Confidence and self-esteem
Underachieving in the workplace
Academic performance
Exam stress
performance anxiety
panic attacks
public speaking
Post-traumatic stress (PTSD)
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Sports performance
Money and success blocks
Lack of connection
Anger issues

woman with blonde hair smiling at the camera

Meet your RTT Hypnotherapist


Lisa, a Naturopath, Nutritionist, and RTT Hypnotherapist, aims to help clients overcome obstacles, fostering confidence and optimism. She believes in rapid, beneficial transformations through holistic approaches.

Start your journey to better health today