Harrison Stone

Doctor of Physiotherapy,
Sports & Exercise Scientist.

After completing a Bachelors Degree in Sports Science and a Doctorate in Physiotherapy, which lead me to work in both hospitals and private clinics, Harrison felt there was a gap in the learning about how to truly provide people with the help they deserved. He realised the body is often under appreciated and can not be treated in segments, it must be treated as a whole. This lead him to undertake numerous courses and conduct research to truly appreciate the body in all its perfect complexities.

He now approaches the body with a new philosophy  that the body is perfect and never makes a mistake. He make’s it a priority to help you see your body in this way during your session. In saying that, he has a passion for getting down to the core of what’s going on in your body with you and really truly helping you understand why, what and how your body lead to pain or discomfort.

Second to this, Harrison has a keen interest in sports performance, working with a range of world class athletes, holistically to drastically improve performance. 

Harrison despises practitioner dependency so will never hide behind practitioner illusions and tricks. Everyone who walks through the door is heard and listened to, they walk away with a new understanding of their body and solution for their brief. He will sit down and work with you to truly help you fix yourself.

Harrison’s Specialties


Treat & prevent injuries, alleviate pain, improve physical function and health.

Sports Performance

Holistically and drastically improve performance.